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2 lbs. of seed potatoes will make about 10 - 15 potato sets when cut and will plant 10 - 15 feet of row.
Plant each potato 3 to 5 inches deep and 12 to 15 inches apart, with 30 to 36 inches between rows
Prefers full sun and well-drained soil
Plants will grow up to 24 to 36 inches tall, and spread 18 to 24 inches wide; Matures in 60 to 80 days
Botanical name: Solanum tuberosum 'Yukon Gold'
Produces a big, early, great-tasting crop of yellow-fleshed spuds for baking or mashing. Delicious, rich flavor—you'll swear it's already been buttered! Gold skin is shallow-eyed. Sprout resistant, super for storage. Hardy in USDA zones 3 to 9.