Seweryn Dried Porcini Mushrooms Polish Borowik Szlashetny Whole Caps 40 gr /1.41 Oz

Product ID : 44450477

Galleon Product ID 44450477
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About Seweryn Dried Porcini Mushrooms Polish Borowik

F.H.U. "SEWERYN" Marek Seweryn is engaged in the purchase, processing and sale of mushrooms. It is a company with long family traditions. Mushrooming in the Seweryn family is a tradition cultivated for generations. Our specialty is high-end dried mushrooms. It started with a great-great-great-thy who almost 100 years ago was buying and selling mushrooms. He bought them all over Poland, obtaining the largest quantities of them – as we do today – from forests located in the south of Poland. The main recipients of great-grandfather's products were small shops, stalls and restaurants, and their transport took place by van or rail. Sale of dried mushrooms today Operating for more than 20 years, "SEWERYN" is a modern company with its own technological and transport facilities, supplying dried mushrooms to customers both from home and abroad. As a producer of dried mushrooms, we prepare mushrooms that meet the customer's expectations and requirements.