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This is all about flying airplanes- real, simulated and arm chair airplanes. It’s for the dreamer that will never be able to actually get behind the controls; the pilot that needs to brush up on procedures; the flight simmer that wants to know more about how things work.Heavily illustrated, this is a collection of flight instruction tutorials, ranging from why airplanes fly to basic primers on how to fly airplanes and computer flight simulators, the various instruments and how they work, how to interpret them, why some airplanes have wings on the top and some on the bottom, how to navigate, how to land and takeoff; culminating with taking the Private Pilot Flight Exam.In most of these cases I have tried to put the reader in a "you are there" experience.Heavily illustrated, this is a "how to fly airplanes, both real and simulated" in one easy lesson.The companion volume, "Flying Airplanes IFR," covers how to fly on instruments and how to fly instrument approaches.