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Insomniac no more! From never sleeping to sleeping like a baby, ANYONE and EVERYONE can make the transition from Insomniac to Log-Like Sleeper. The reasons WHY you can’t sleep can be one or more of many. Stress, anxiety, foods you eat/drinks you drink and when you consume them, medications you are taking, if/when/how you exercise… not to mention the environment within which you try to sleep to begin with. All these and more can and do effect how, or even if, you sleep… and how well. My name is James Kuhn and I’m just like 30% of Americans, or at least I used to be. Unable to fall asleep, stay asleep, or not wake up too early, just about every night of the week. I’m not a doctor, but I AM an ex-insomniac with a penchant for learning and in this quick read you’ll find just about everything I discovered in my quest to get back to sleep. I didn’t try everything, I didn’t need to. I found my solution… and with all that is included in this simple little book, a great many other people will too. Good Luck and Sweet Dreams!