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These tasty bite-sized treats are now made with ground timothy hay and sunflower seed meal instead of alfalfa meal. Rest assured, our Equi Treats are made with no added sugar or artificial colors, and only natural flavors!
High sugar and starch are bad for teeth and dangerous for sugar sensitive horses with EMS and Cushing's Disease. Testing has confirmed our Equi Treats are a wholesome snack, having a combined sugar/starch level of less than 10%
Some laminitis-prone horses are sensitive to alfalfa even if it tests low in sugar/starch. These high-fiber, low-fat, timothy and high oleic acid sunflower meal treats avoid those problems with taste that appeals to any horse!
Use these treats as a safe training aid or just a snack. They are large enough to use just 1 or 2 at a time. Sprinkle them on top of a meal or mix them in as taste tempters
These treats are easy to carry in your pocket! They hold together well so won't crumble or leave a greasy or sticky mess
["No sugar added", "No artificial colors", "Non-GMO soy free", "All natural"]. FEEDING TIP: Use these treats as a safe training aid or just a snack. They are large enough to use just 1 or 2 at a time. Sprinkle them on top of a meal or mix them in as taste tempters