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SHIPPING ALERT: LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE ! However, springtails are temperature sensitive. If your local temp is below 40 or above 85 degrees F your package will ship "HOLD FOR PICK UP" at your local post office. You will be notified where and when your package has shipped
Springtails are an essential element of a thriving vivarium. They eat dead decaying plant matter and other harmful waste keeping your habitat healthy and balanced. Our cultures are teaming with hundreds of Tropical White, Tropical Pink and Temperate Springtails so there's no need to guess which species would be best for your particular habitat.
SEEDING Cultures have a sphagnum peat substrate and are designed to be added directly to the soil of your habitat.
BREEDING Cultures have a hardwood lump charcoal substrate that is designed to perpetuate the breeding process and produce springtails in perpetuity if properly maintained.
CLAY Cultures have a high calcium clay substrate. They’re designed for fast breeding and will produce springtails in perpetuity if properly maintained. Clay Cultured Springtails can simply be taped directly from the culture into desired habitat
Live Springtails, Mixed Seeding Culture, By Critters Direct