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SHIPPING ALERT: Springtails and Isopods are temperature sensitive. If your local temps are below 40 or above 85 F your package will ship direct to your post office "FOR PICKUP" unless you direct otherwise. You will be notified where and when your package ships.
You'll receive 25+ Dwarf White Isopods (2-4 mm) PLUS an 8 oz. mixed seeding culture (adults + juveniles) of Tropical White, Pink and Temperate Springtails.
Springtails and Dwarf Isopods are soft-bodied micro-insects that feed on decomposing leaf litter, animal feces, and dead plant material making them an essential element for the overall health of your vivarium ecosystem
Both are extremely prolific and will quickly colonize your habitat while providing a perpetual supplemental food source for its inhabitants
Dwarf White Isopods & Springtails Combo Package, By Critters Direct