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What do you do when your best friend dies... ...that is, if your best friend was a dog and you'd lived alone together, leaving no one with whom to reminisce? You write. Andie Michael decided to do just that. She poured her feelings into what would become a letter to her dog, Chap – memorializing his sweet, adorable personality and every experience that she didn't want to let fade into time -- and thanking him for giving her life meaning at times when it seemed to have none. That letter grew into Dear Chap: A Love Letter To a Little Dog Named Charlie Chaplin. With its heartfelt message and the simple, intimate voice in which it's written, Dear Chap speaks directly to the 2/3 of Americans who are pet owners, on behalf of the millions for whom pets have become family members, and especially to those whose pets are or have been their best friends. You are not alone.