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Hostas are the Number 1 selling genus of perennials in the United States. Their popularity has grown steadily over the past three decades or so. There are now over 8,000 named cultivars of hostas and that number is climbing every year. For hosta collectors, this is an exciting fact. For the average backyard gardener, it can lead to a lot of confusion and frustration. The science surrounding hostas is being explored by scientists and pseudo-scientists which may lead to a better understanding...or just more confusion. This eBook is designed to be an introduction into the Who, What, When and Where of the genus, Hosta. Who introduced them into Europe and the U.S.? Who are the significant hybridizers, experts and "movers and shakers" of hostadom? What type of plants are hostas? What are the known species and where are new cultivars being created? What are the techniques used for propagating and multiplying hostas? What do I need to know to become a serious "hostaphile"?