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Treat or protects you from varicose veins with the Vene massager from, two-way pumping of the leg cuffs lets you perform a single varicose vein treatment Effective therapeutic treatment in the comfort of your own home: for aesthetically pleasing can be varicose veins, spider veins, stretch marks, cellulite, edema, bruising or heavy legs for vein massage treat with the device The handy leg cuff with handy control unit can be easily restore through the vein function and blood circulation on legs and your feet (with infinitely adjustable massage levels) Muscle Tension, – injuries and swelling could through the air pressure massage release this is done by automatically an and deflate the built-in bubble Using the velcro fittings at vein Trainer you can fit the cuff for the leg Ihrer sizes on, leg treatment, you can control very simple with hand switch