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Meet Archangel Raziel.Why would You Call Raziel.1.Wisdom for Money, Health 2. Planting Seeds for an Amazing Life3. See The Way To Go For Desired Results.Archangel Raziel imbues us with Divine Wisdom, helping us to make Divine decisions that empower us with a more inspired and joyful life. The value of Wisdom as a component of creating a fulfilling life often is not emphasized enough. Wisdom to invest well, Wisdom to create amazing relationships, and Wisdom to feel our best and make beneficial choices for our well being. Archangel Raziel helps us to plant seeds in for desired results. Planting seeds for our health, our relationships, and our money. As we set a powerful intention and ask this angel for help, we can expect upward momentum. To further plant and grow seeds, we embark on an energetic journey into a glowing crystal-covered cave. Archangel Raziel offers us drinks to fill us with the essence of wisdom for our health, relationships, and abundance. There is a guest visit from the gorgeous Mary Magdalene who holds secret wisdom about love to share with you. Archangel Raziel will charge a crystal for you so that you may always be connected to your Angels. Zadkiel helps you plant seeds in your life for more health, love, and abundance. Adapting these mindsets will help you shift your consciousness and make you a magnet for confidence, peace, and prosperity in new refreshed ways. There is no right or wrong way to use this tool. All these Divinely Intelligent Angelic Upgrades happen with grace and ease at the individual's comfortable pace. The only thing I recommend you keep in the forefront of your practice is to ensure you are enjoying the process. Meet the Archangels in the Archangelology Book and Audio Series that are here to help you at this time. If you call on Raziel, she/he will come, just as all of the Archangels will come to your assistance when beckoned. Spending time with Archangels creates a heavenly life. For gifts from