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In this chapter, you will be introduced to the world of navigation. As aQuartermaster, you will be engaged in many aspects of navigation. Asyou will learn, navigation is known as both an art and a science. Don’tbe put off by the science end though, a basic knowledge of mathematicswill suffice your needs. There is no feeling that compares to knowingthat you are part of a team that safely navigates a ship and her crewacross vast expanses of ocean.You will be a highly visible member of the ship’s crew, after all, yourwork station is on the bridge. The bridge is where the captain spendsmost of his or her time under way. The bridge is where the orders aregiven for the ship to carry out her mission. QMs traditionally maintainthe highest standards of grooming, pride, and professionalism. Youwill become the trusted assistant of the navigator, bridge watch officers,and the captain.TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER PAGE1. Introduction to Navigation 2. Compasses3. Navigational Publications 4. The Nautical Road5. Basics of Time6. Introduction to Celestial Navigation 7. Tides and Currents 8. Dead Reckoning, Piloting, and Electronic Navigation9. Celestial Observations and Sight Reduction Methods 10. Weather Observation11. The Ship's Bridge 12. Voyage Planning APPENDIXAI. GlossaryAII. References INDEX