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Number of Pages: 430 We are leaving the age of mind, and entering the age of awareness and frequency. Today what we would define as major miracles will soon become everyday occurrences manifested through our new awareness. This book is about how to learn to work with and use these new energies for healing and self-fulfillment. From the author of over 4 books on solar health and healing, comes Solar Visualization Tools for Health and Prosperity. Today with new scientific tools, especially thanks to SOHO, the sun telescope administered by NASA, we can examine these energies emitting from the sun and their effects on living organisms and our environment in far greater detail than ever before. This emerging science is known as Chiro-Nutrition. This book is a simplified summary from over 10 years of cutting edge research conducted by Solar Health Institute founder Scott Rauvers, including 3 years using radionics to manifest lottery numbers, 2 years locating the unique solar and planetary positions that are responsible for making the Dow Jones industrial Average rise and 5 years of discoveries of how the sun can be used to accelerate goals, ambitions and intent, including using Solar and Lunar forces to reverse the aging process and restore health and well-being. Take a journey through the halls of self-discovery and discover the most powerful tools ever assembled into a single book on how to effectively alter the reality you exist in. From altering reality through Quantum Photonics, to unlocking the power of your subconscious mind using planetary and constellational energies, you'll discover a unique tool for just about any situation. Read the first 3 Chapters for free