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exp MULTI-TOOL HAMMER two This is a top rated multi tool plier. It is made of super high quality stainless steel which makes sure it can resistant rust and corrosion. Strong yet lightweight, the suspension multi-Plier offers the durability of stainless steel construction along with an aluminum scratched handle. PERFECT FOR ANYTHING YOU DO - Whether you want to cut some wires, fix a bike, or do some pruning in the garden using the razor-sharp, high-efficiency saw, this plier multi tool does it all and much more! exp MULTI-TOOL includes the following useful tools: Internally Reinforced Spring Action Pliers Straight Edge Knife 2.05" Wire Cutters Wire Stripper Wood Saw Can Opener Bottle Opener Hammer Pick tool Nail remover Metal File BR> In package is included: - Exp Molti-tool expMULTI-TOOL HAMMER two yellow-black - Belt holster