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Do you watch movies? Do you read novels? Both of these use stories in all their variations. We tell stories to our friends, to our families, to our prospects and our clients. We even tell them to strangers on the plane. If we learn to share our stories well, people pay attention. They may even tell our story to friends and family. They buy what we have to sell. The best stories are passed on by word of mouth because they are easy to share.Only storytelling guarantees we’ll hook the attention of the audience then they’ll be engaged in what we have to say.Learn about the 7 strategies for telling stories people love and every time you talk, you’ll be confident you’ll be making a great impression.Around the world people are taking these simple storytelling formulas and getting standing ovations when they speak. Salespeople are getting faster and bigger sales. They are spending less time and making more money. Because the stories they now tell feel natural. No stress memorising long lists of facts and figures. Just simple short stories that use these powerful secrets to grab the attention and have the listener mesmerized.You can prepare powerpoint slides, or you can learn to tell great stories. But ask yourself, when was the last time a powerpoint moved you to action? What slide made you cry? And when did you watch a powerpoint hoping it would never end.The power of storytelling will give you an unfair advantage in sales, training, teaching and giving a speech. Mark Davis shares the secrets to getting the stories you already tell and making them better. Get a great result by telling stories your audience will love.Scroll up and order yours today, and start telling great stories.