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100 Puzzles, 15 Different Kid Friendly Themes, 800+ Unique Words, 3 Difficulty Levels, 6 Bonus Coloring Pages!If you are looking for a fun way to boost your child’s learning while providing hours of screen-free entertainment, then this Word Search Puzzle Book for Kids is the perfect choice. It has been scientifically proven that word search activities lead to better word association, higher reading speeds, improved vocabulary & spelling. This is a type of brain game that is proven to be a more fun & engaging form of learning to help increase your child’s memory. LARGE PRINT, 100 PUZZLES – This word search puzzle books is specifically designed for the 6-8 years age group and features a large print size on an 8.5x11 inch book. Kids are encouraged to use a pencil to find the various words on every page to help them with word retention. 15 DIFFERENT KID FRIENDLY THEMES TO HELP WITH WORD ASSOCIATION – There are 15 different kid friendly themes across the book such as Animals, Universe, Fruits, Colors, Pets, Vegetables etc. to ensure word association and language building skills. 3 LEVELS OF DIFFICULTY THAT ENCOURAGE SKILL BUILDING & CONFIDENCE – The book has 3 different difficulty levels starting off with Easy before transitioning to Medium & Hard. This is designed in a scientific manner to encourage skill building and ensuring kids experience the right challenges as they progress through the book. This layout will also help ensure children ages 6, 7, or 8 will have something to look forward to, no matter what level they start at. 6 BONUS COLORING PAGES – The book also features 6 additional bonus coloring pages towards the end that will ensure even more productive activity time for your kids. Word Search for Kids Ages 6-8 is full of fun search and find puzzles. If you are looking for a kid’s word search book, this is a great first choice. It can be used to complement their in class learning as well as serves as a great gift item for any occasion especially Christmas, New Year, Halloween and Easter. Note – Solutions are not provided on purpose. This is to ensure that your kids put in the effort to find, learn & associate words on their own as it leads to better language building skills in the long run. Parents are encouraged to explain the meaning of particularly tough words.