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You don’t have to spend decades paying off your student loans! You can destroy your debt fast and live a life of freedom. You’ve been lied to: there’s no such thing as good debt. Debt sucks. Period. And that includes student loan debt. No matter what you believed - or were told - when you took out your loans, you need to get serious about getting rid of your debt fast, because it’s costing you more than you know. That’s why best-selling author Anthony ONeal wrote this motivating audiobook - to show you why you need to dump your debt fast and how to do it. If you have student loan debt and have never heard of Ramsey Solutions or the Seven Baby Steps, this book is for you. Anthony will walk you step by step through Baby Steps 1 and 2 to show you how to dump your debt forever. You’ll learn: The ugly truth about how debt hurts you The importance of an emergency fund and how to budget (Baby Step 1) The power of the debt snowball (Baby Step 2) Exactly what to do to pay off your student loans faster How to control your money so it doesn’t control you You’ll also hear stories from real people about how they paid off their debt fast You don’t need relief from your debt, you need to get mad at it. Because the truth is, when you get mad enough, you can pay off your loans faster than you ever thought possible - and take control of your money, and your life, for good! Don’t let anything stand in the way of your future. This plan has helped millions get out of debt and you’re next. You can do this!