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Review Excellent, easy-to-use resource on developing, or supporting the development of a qualitative dissertation. The appendix with the rubric for chapter development is great. I circulate it often to students and other key stakeholders. -- Tera Jordan This book not only provides excellent guidance on writing a qualitative dissertation, it also includes information and discussion of how to plan, design, and conduct a qualitative research study (i.e., it is helpful for qualitative methodology and methods, not just writing). -- Amy Roth McDuffie Written with a clarity, this book serves as a "how to" guide to write the first three chapters of a dissertation, regardless of method. -- Kathy D. Geller I wish I had known about this fantastic book early in my dissertation process. I came across it in chapter 4, and it rescued me. It gave me a clear idea of what I needed to work on and helped me refine my chapter 3 drastically. It is very informative, structured, detailed, and has a road map for you. Honestly, this book became the best resource I had, and I cannot emphasize enough how vital it was for me to finish my dissertation. Highly recommended. -- Pascale Koayess I had the privilege of having Dr. Bloomberg as my dissertation chair, and I can testify that this book is truly a roadmap to completing your dissertation. This updated edition provides student-friendly tables and figures with examples to support your dissertation journey. The companion website also provides resource templates that will save time and guide you through every step of completing your qualitative dissertation from beginning to end. -- Janelly L. Garza I cannot recommend this book enough. Dr. Bloomberg′s writing style is accessible, practical, and organized, as well as inspirational and motivating. This book provided conceptual guidance to me as well as hands-on checklists and examples to ensure my research methods and writing were aligned, clear, and concise. This updated fifth edition continues Dr. Bloomberg′s focus on relevance and applicability with information guiding research post-pandemic, as well as continuing to push the envelope of cutting-edge qualitative design. This should be on the shelf of every qualitative researcher--student or practitioner! -- Mickey Fitch-Collins Dr. Bloomberg has given qualitative researchers the practical map needed to reduce intimidation and empower students to succeed. When I supervised doctoral students, the first advice I gave to new mentees was: buy this book. This new edition updates the material and references, and is revised for added clarity. The book is written in a straightforward, jargon-free manner that students find reassuring. Helpful tables, checklists, and worksheets tame the chaos of the research process. The overall message of the book is: you can do this. -- Janet Salmons ― SAGE Methodspace This is an excellent resource for doctoral dissertation students wanting a step-by-step formula to help them on their qualitative dissertation journey. The book is easy to navigate, informative, and easy to read. New to this edition is a chapter on ethics and rigor: the clarity of discussion and depth of information on trustworthiness, rigor, ethics, the Belmont Report, and the challenges amid and after the COVID-19 pandemic, is exceptional. -- Janet A. Boberg I would have been lost in the process and given up my doctoral journey if had not found this book. This straightforward, comprehensive, well written road map helps researchers, both naïve and experienced, to reach their destination in a timely manner. The author uses scholarly language that is not overly complicated, and there are templates, checklists, reflexive questions to guide and model each step of the dissertation process. In the fifth edition includes more focus on reflexivity, positionality, inclusion, ethics and trustworthiness. A ‘must have’ for doctoral students. -- Meral Muyesser Product Description Addressing the key challenges facing