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Virus Filtration
Bacterial Filtration Efficiency 99.70%
Air Resistance .862cm , H20/L/Sec at 14L/Sec
Fits Most Adult Spirometers without an Adapter
var last_id=null; function toggle2(id){ var e=document.getElementById(id); if(e.className=='act') { e.className='none'; document.getElementById(“menu001“).innerHTML = “Show More Information »“; } else { e.className='act'; document.getElementById(“menu001“).innerHTML = “« Show Less Information“; } if(last_id==null){ last_id=document.getElementById('menu01'); } if(last_id!=e) last_id.className='act'; last_id=e; } During a Pulmonary Function Test, bacteria and viruses are forcefully expelled from the respiratory tract. This represents a real health risk to patients and health care workers alike. The instrument can be contaminated and cause cross contamination of patients. By using a pulmonary filter the risk of cross contamination can be greatly reduced.Includes:100 filters. Specs Virus FiltrationBacterial Filtration Efficiency 99.70%Dead Volume 60 ml.Air Resistance .862cm , H20/L/Sec at 14L/SecFits Most Adult Spirometers without an Adapter Brochures / Videos Brochures SDI Pulmoguard II PFT BrochureShow More Information » - SDI - 29-7920-100 - medical accessories