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Works with HS1828 tamper plate and HS1969 carbide bushing tool
9 In. long tamper plate shank
Not interchangeable with bushing shank
SDS-max shank
Shank necessary for use with tamper plate or carbide bushing head
Product Description This high-quality, SDS-max, 9 In. tamper plate spade works with the HS1828 tamper plate and the HS1969 carbide bushing tool. All BOSCH chisels are manufactured with a proprietary heat-treat process. BOSCH offers a full assortment of SDS-max hammer steel points and chisels. BOSCH brings constant innovation to concrete and masonry drilling with increased efficiency and higher durability. Bosch brings constant innovation to concrete and masonry drilling. From inventing the industry standard SDS system to custom-manufactured carbide and diffusion bonding, the result is better performance and durability. And Bosch Xtreme bits last 4-times longer than any other bit when hitting rebar.