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The 2018 Edition of The EMTALA Answer Book shows how the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) affects not only emergency physicians but on-call physicians, specialists, and hospitals. And it shows how the feds have stepped up enforcement against EMTALA violations. But most importantly, The EMTALA Answer Book shows you how to meet these medical duties, stave off these legal threats, and avoid fines, bad publicity, and exclusion from Medicare. Some of the questions that The EMTALA Answer Book addresses include: What documents will an EMTALA investigation team request and how to prepare for such a request? How do EMTALA investigators select medical charts to review and what are they looking for? What are the most common EMTALA violations leading to civil money penalties? Can an EMTALA investigation be expanded to governmental agencies other than CMS? Why are EMTALA Tags the key to good risk management? What are 12 things a hospital should do in response to an EMTALA investigation?