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Gentlemen! Your time on earth is limited. You know you won't be here forever. In this world, there are men who enjoy women and men who don't. What you want is simple. You want to enter the ranks of the men who truly enjoy women. You want to have a woman or multiple women in your life.''Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.''- James Allen All circumstances change when you change. No matter where you are in your current dating life, even if it's non-existent it all will change when you change. I invite you to come on a journey to change and the first step is clearing up all emotional and mental blocks you may have around sex and women. The second and final step is learning the inner game of how to relate to women during a cold-approach. The third step is to apply all these lessons in the real world.In this book you will also learn:How to deal with rejection.How to think about sex.Healthy ways to initiate sex.Stranger dynamics.Polarizing womenEngagement & NeedinessHonesty & Communication.Four universal truths about women.True indicators of interest.When to invest in a woman.When not to invest in a woman.How to deal with women.Male solitude.I made it one of my goals to write very directly and not to sugarcoat anything. Many books, have too many words to fill out pages here, you will find that some chapters are very short and direct to increase effectiveness.The choice of whether or not you're going to stay in your own self-created bubble of pity is up to you. This book only serves as a way out for the one who's ready.