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To reduce or prevent muscle soreness, quicken recovery and enhance lean muscle gains from resistance exercise, mix 1-2 servings of Glutamine Select with water and drink during and/or immediately after your workouts. When doing keto, fasting, or any other kind of weight-loss diet, mix 1-2 servings of Glutamine Select with water and drink in between meals.* This will help you preserve lean muscle while you burn off body fat, and reduce cravings for sweets.* When doing cardio, mix 1-2 servings of Glutamine Select with water and drink before and/or immediately afterwards. This will help you preserve lean muscle (while you burn off fat), stay hydrated and quicken recovery.* Use Glutamine Select as an all-around sports drink whenever you like! Mix it up in a water bottle or shaker cup and store it in the fridge overnight so it’s ready the next day. Mix it up in a blender with a few ice cubes to create an extra-refreshing treat. Since 1967, Beverly International has been the choice of natural physique athletes and personal trainers. They trust us to deliver products work, without the “nonsense” often encountered with other brands. Many of our customers have been with us for decades. One described Glutamine Select as “one of the most useful supplements in sports nutrition.” We hope you’ll feel the same way.