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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. An easy-to-read and highly visual “diameter of electrodes” approach to welding. Most textbooks do not cover smaller diameter electrodes well. Welding does. With over 50 years combined experience, the authors have created a book that is both reference-friendly and incredibly engaging to students and professionals alike. With setups for every important weld and step-by-step procedures and photos for every step, this is the only book on welding you will ever need. Welding provides readers with cleanly designed and concise chapters. Essential coverage of safety, theory, key skills, easy-to-read reference charts and tables, detailed step-by-step procedures, and a strong emphasis on the diameter of electrodes is covered in a simple, yet comprehensive way. After an introduction to welding and to welding safety, each major welding process is presented in its own chapter so they can easily be discussed in the classroom. Following the weld processes, chapters focus on critical topics such as codes, destructive and non-destructive weld testing, welding symbols, welding metallurgy, welding ferrous and nonferrous alloys, and welding power sources. The Second Edition has been updated to include a new chapter on pipe welding and techniques, a new macro look at metallurgy, and a more procedural approach to welding alloys. Welding codes and testing have also been split into two separate chapters, for accessibility and ease of use.