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THIS work is not a personal history. For fifteen years I was a layman in the ProtestantEpiscopal Church, and having had my attention called to the subjects and mode of Baptism, after twoyears of careful study of the subject I deemed it my duty to unite with the Baptists.In my examination of the subject I found it necessary to read a great many tracts, pamphlets,and books, none of which covered completely the whole ground. Feeling the need of acomprehensive little work to place in the hands of young converts, and those desiring to know thedistinctive principles of the Baptists, I prepared the following volume. I claim for it no originality.It is simply a compilation of facts, and the arguments of others, culled from numerous sources aftercareful and voluminous reading. But as he who could obtain credit for constructing a new edificelargely from old material, with the addition of a little new, must see to it that the old material is nottoo conspicuous; and as I remember that the Class of persons for whom this is written care more tosee the finished building than the method, manner, and material of its construction, I have arrangedthe facts and arguments culled, so that their source and authorship is not evident.At the same time I have acknowledged my indebtedness to all who may recognize theirown offspring in the garb of a foreigner.