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This PLI edition of Hegel's Phenomenology of the Spirit is an inexpensive English-German edition for eReader composed of Baillie's translation, the 1807 German edition, and Findlay's Notes. Although Baillie and Findlay are outdated, and it is assumed that most Philosophy courses that assign Hegel reading will require students to purchase the Miller translation. This is not an alternative to an over-priced textbook but a supplement. A translation can only take one so far, but going to the original text of a German philosopher usually requires purchasing an expensive critical edition of the text. Any serious student of Hegel will inevitably need a critical German edition of this work (which this edition is emphatically not), but not every undergrad studying the giants of German philosophy needs that kind of resource. Most introductory Hegel seminars can benefit from a cross reference from Miller or Baillie to the original language (with or without a good German Dictionary).