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WRITING, PUBLISHING AND PROMOTION DYNAMITE! Big tips in a small book. Now in updated 3rd Edition. More actual, usable information in these short pages than any other "how to" book of any size. All the gritty stuff you REALLY need to write and publish easily, fast, and cheaply. This book provides extremely simple steps to indie publishing by someone who's done it multiple times. More than that, the 3rd edition includes a section on book and author promotion in practical and easily adapted terms and steps, including how to utilize both mainstream media and social media.Chosen by University writing and publishing courses as the most down to earth, practical guide for writing and publishing available. Shows you how it's possible to have a finished, high quality book available for sale on Amazon for a TOTAL cost of zero (or next to nothing if you want to do US Copyright or purchase a few copies). That's not a typo. The book includes resource lists of sites on the web related to the topics in the book on publishing, editing, publicity and more. No need to look them up. It's all here.Covered in the book are practical topics such as:Basic writing tipsBeating Writer's BlockEditing tips (and working with an editor)Publishing easily and cheaply ISBNs & CopyrightFormatting tipsGetting reviewsPromoting books and yourself through traditional mediaPromoting books and yourself through social media