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New Release - Price will go up to $4.99 in 7 days...Malacca Strait, 1947: A Dutch Merchant Vessel Mysteriously Sinks…Wales, U.K, 2019: A Message in a Bottle Washes Ashore…Nassau, Bahamas: A Potentially Lethal Discovery Awaits…Malacca Strait, 1947A sinister Morse code message, purportedly from a Dutch Merchant Vessel, the S.S. Ourang Medan, sailing somewhere near the Marshall Islands, is intercepted. The message is chilling; All officers including the captain are dead - lying in chartroom and bridge - Possibly whole crew are dead - I die. Nothing further is ever heard…Wales, U.K, 2020GLENCOM agent and former environmental lawyer, Robert Spire, is heading across the damp, cold, sand of his local beach, having just visited the grave of his dead wife. As he reminisces and looks out into the surf, a spec of sunlight glinting off an object catches his eye. The object turns out to be a bottle, and he wades into the surf to retrieve it. Inside Spire discovers an old, rolled up parchment, a genuine fifty-year old message in a bottle…Nassau, Bahamas.Dubious cryptocurrency billionaire, Emilio Drax is overseeing a salvage operation, on his own sunken vessel, The Ocean Odyssey. After returning from the Malacca Strait, the ship mysteriously disappears under the blue Caribbean Sea, coming to rest on a reef just offshore of New Providence. There is no apparent explanation for the sinking, and the islanders talk of the ship’s cargo being cursed…Time is Ticking…to a Global Disaster.The Odyssey is lying i