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From award-winning writer and blogger Shannon Meyerkort (, comes a compilation of her most popular and hilarious stories about having three kids, including The Brutal Truth About the Third Child, A Letter of Apology to My Middle Child and Should You Have a Third Child?“This is exactly the kind of wisdom they should impart to first time mums. I feel like if I had adjusted my expectations about parenting before I had my first I would have had an easier time. I think your blog posts about parenting should be mandatory reading for all new mums.”The Brutal Truth is universal: it's a story that is instantly recognisable to all parents. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and quite possibly, it will make you pee just a little.“No one has ever better captured the experience of having three children. Period. If you have three kids, are one of three kids, or entertain the thought of someday having three kids, this is an absolute must read.” Jill Smokler, New York Times bestselling author of ‘Confessions of a Scary Mommy.’“So, so true.”Alison Tait, Life in a Pink Fibro “Thank you for saying exactly how it is. Brilliant!!!”Sonia Stackhouse, Life, Love and Hiccups “So well written. I stopped at two. Smart move by the sounds of it :o)”Laney Galligan, Crash Test Mummy