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The Experiment! What will a book be like, when the Relationship Coach James Kingsley(♂), starts to discuss his Inside Knowledge about Men – with a confident, open-minded and witty woman?Understanding Men -Your Loophole to the Males Mind!Stefanie-Maria Rhoden (♂) his assistant, becomes “Your Voice” – asking "Your Questions!"♀: “It will be great, Ladies! I ask him, what we really want to know! Nothing should stay untouched – if you know what I mean, James?♂: “Let us, just for one brave moment, pretend you mean all the secrets we will reveal to the women out there!”♀: “Okay, if you want, we can even do that.”♂: “You probably can imagine how the wind blows, Ladies. We did not cut out any part. So excuse Stefanie's language in some chapters!”♀:” What? - What language is there to be excused, James?”♂: “I knew you would jump on this one! Just love to tease Stephanie. Your language is just fine!”♀: Fine? What do you mean with “just fine”?♂: “Okay Ladies, I think now you start to imagine, what I meant above! This book is different and by no means - one of these boring relationship-guides. We made it entertaining helpful and fun too read !”You will know: 'How Men Think'. 'What really attracts Men' and 'What you can do to make him really want You and - Never(!) Let You Go again!'Learn the Secrets, most Women - will never know!“The Entertaining Approach of the witty discussions between James and his Assistant Stefanie are priceless. Sometimes just asking, what every woman would ask. Then grinding his gears like a 'charming bitch'. Teasing him up to the edge