The Big Red Book of Tomatoes
The Big Red Book of Tomatoes

The Big Red Book of Tomatoes

Product ID : 48369493
4.4 out of 5 stars

Galleon Product ID 48369493
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About The Big Red Book Of Tomatoes

More than 400 recipes—from beloved classic to new inspirations—that celebrate the tomato in its many mouthwatering preparations around the world.   Ever been confronted by a couple of unpromising-looking tomatoes and some of yesterday’s bread, with nothing else for supper? In The Big Red Book of Tomatoes, Lindsey Bareham will turn them into a delectable dinner for one. And, if you’re a gardener, the next time you’re stuck with a load of tomatoes that won’t ripen, why not try Lindsey’s irresistable green tomato tart with zabaglione cream?   In this lively, inspirational cookbook featuring more than 400 recipes, the fruit we love to eat as a vegetable is given the star treatment. There are salsas from Mexico, curries from India, Arab tagines, pizzas from Italy, and chutneys from the British Isles. And if you want to know how to make the ultimate Bloody Mary, then this is the book for you. There are innovative dishes such as Tomato Tarte Tatin, Golden Tomato Lasagna with Basil and Vine Tomatoes, classics such as Stuffed Tomatoes and Insalata Tricolore, as well as the more unusual Shaker Tomato Cream Pie, and of course pasta in every guise.   Bareham explores the tomato’s affinity with eggs, bread and pasta, as well as its ubiquitous appeal in salads and sauces, or paired with meat and fish. For lovers of quick dishes or slow simmering on the back burner, The Big Red Book of Tomatoes is an invaluable addition to the kitchen shelf.