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Make your own sounds quickly on any synthesizer, anytime, anywhereLet’s face it. You want to make awesome sounds for your track, but they always end up horribly weak, lame and amateurish. That’s why EDM producer, CEO and best-selling author Cep from Screech House shares the essential basics of synthesis you must understand first to do high-quality sound design. Only available within this book.Any of this sound familiar?By using a synthesizer, you always face these typical problems. The huge lack of understanding how to recreate those sounds from your favorite artists. The frustrating long hours you have to put in to make your sounds unique, yet they still end up ruining your song. The time, money and energy you waste by falling into the trap of thinking you need new fancy equipment. But the simple truth is: it’s not the synthesizer that is the problem. It’s your incompetence. Luckily, you can change that for good…Introducing: the ultimate beginner’s shortcut to making jaw-dropping soundsFind out how to use any synthesizer, anytime, anywhere.Get at least 80% of the results by doing less than 20% of the work.Instantly distinguish yourself from all amateurs by making your own authentic sounds.What you will learn in this guideDiscover the essential basics of synthesis and grow yourself into a true master of sound design.Learn the most important synthesizer settings to make your own sounds as quickly as possible.Find out WHAT each setting does, HOW they work, but also WHY to use them.Learn how to make amazing sounds for your song for the rest of your life.When you think your life will benefit from this book, download your copy and start today.Why this book will actually help you make amazing soundsWith more than a decade of valuable song-building experience and man