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Package Includes: Carl Jung Chardonnay Non-Alcoholic Dealcoholized White Wine 750ml.
Tasting Notes: Clear and fruity wine, clean on the palate and with a long finish. The nose is reminiscent of green apples, citrus and green berries.
Produced by Carl Jung in Germany with Chardonnay grapes.
White wine lovers can enjoy without risks associated with drinking alcohol
Low sugar (4.2g sugar / 100ml), low calories (19.5cal / 100ml).
In 1907 Dr. Carl Jung developed a patented process for de-alcoholisation in the wine cellar of their family business. Today, more than 100 years later, they keep producing highest quality non-alcoholic wines with the most modern production facilities and new technologies. Riesling has the special ability to produce wonderfully aromatic, balanced wines with little produced alcohol. The Riesling is a slowly maturing grape variety, whose characteristic element is the fruity acidity.