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Free Market Economics Made Easy shows why peaceful and voluntary cooperation between people leads to the greatest prosperity. While free market economics (a lack of interference from the government/ state) is the most moral system, as it does not rely on the use of force, it is also the most beneficial for human flourishing. Learning economics does not have to be about graphs and complicated formulas. It is about how humans interact and better themselves when they are left to freely associate. In a system of property rights and voluntary associations, living standards rise. Higher living standards not only mean more wealth for society, but also greater choice, greater opportunities, and the option for more leisure time. It is only in an advanced society with a high division of labor where a great many people can pursue their passions to the fullest. A free market society is the best system for allocating scarce resources in accordance with consumer demand. This requires a respect for people’s lives and their property. When the government interferes between consenting individuals, it distorts transactions and ultimately leads to us being poorer than we otherwise would have been. This book covers many subjects including money, wealth, inflation, wages, government spending, regulations, interest rates, profits and losses, corporations, and common objections to the free market. It purposely avoids discussion of specific political parties or specific politicians, so as not to cloud anyone’s thinking. This book is appropriate for relative beginners on the subject, and those who are already strong advocates of the free market will find useful and interesting information. The arguments and examples given in the book can help you become a better advocate. Homeschoolers and mature high school students may also find this as a good introduction to economics. You don’t have to be intimidated by discussions with your friends who constantly seek more central planning for the economy. You can learn economics, and you can learn to explain simple examples to others. Learn basic free market economics and become more knowledgeable than almost everyone else out there on this topic.