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Here are the card titles: Basic Circuit Construction, Measuring Resistance in Series, Measuring Resistance in Parallel, Measuring Voltage
Measuring Amperage, Rheostats & Potentiometers, Series Circuits, Parallel Circuits
Relays, Electromagnetic Switches, Diodes, General Theory, Diodes, Electrical Check Valves, LED's-Light Emitting Diodes
Starting System, Brakes & Turn Signals, HVAC, Blower Fan & A/C Clutch, Reversing Relays, Window Motors, etc.
This is a hands on training system in which you apply, solder and install all the parts. Dan Sullivan takes you step-by-step through the first 10 training cards by way of his YouTube videos the last 6 are your challenge! OVER 6 HOURS OF VIDEO TRAINING, YOU LEARN AT YOUR OWN PACE! We provide the parts list needed to complete the circuits and systems on each card, you'll need to purchase the parts or you can scavenge them.