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This "Electronic Scale" method/device is the best overall for Specific Gravity measurement. It is very accurate, providing that the Scale you use it with is sensitive enough, while the measuring process is quick and easy, overall.
As seen on YouTube, just weigh your sample in "Air" (which is the same as weighing it on the platform of your Scale), and then weigh the sample in "Water." Then calculate SG by dividing the difference between the heavier Weight in Air and the lighter Weight in Water, into the Weight in Air. A simple Worksheet is provided for that purpose.
Kit contains 3-way adjustable Beaker assembly, Weighing Pan assembly, Aluminum Stick reference weight (SG=2.70), Tweezers, Illustrated Instructions, Worksheets, and Table of Gems sorted by Specific Gravity.
Your Scale must have minimum capacity of 50 carats, protruding Weighing Platform at least 1.5" across, openable or removable draft shield/lid for access from front and 1 side, and Tare function to Zero out Scale. This kit uses a 50mL Beaker as a water container, with approximately a 1.6" inside diameter. The "tared weight" of that portion of the kit that sits on the weighing platform is 40 carats
SG accuracy depends on Readability or Minimum Weight spec of the scale you use with the SG Kit. Rule of thumb is Readability x factor of 50, so a Scale with Readability of .01ct will give accurate SG on items weighing down to .5ct (.01 x 50).
Use this kit with _your_ Electronic Carat Scale to measure the Specific Gravity of Gems and other small items. Please note that the Kit does not include the Scale, but this SG kit is "Universal" in that it is compatible with most any compact digital Carat scale. It is adjustable in 3 different dimensions for Scales of varying height, depth, and width. The Kit includes everything you need to measure Specific Gravity, except for the Scale and the Water. Note: There are two versions/sizes of this kit. Choose our "Bench Scale" version of the kit, instead, for use with larger, standard size Lab or Industrial scales (search SGK-B).