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usbStick is a mini size 28 pin USB PIC IO board with 13x input, output, analog, pwm pins. Great tool for signals monitoring (as oscilloscope), data acquisition and circuit troubleshooting at 1mSec/samples period. Peripheral Features: 13x IO Port (6x 10bit ADC pins, 2x 10 bit PWM/Freq/DAC pins) Serial port emulation (UART Baud Rates: 300 bps to 115.2 kbps) Maximum Voltage: 5Vdc 100mA current output at VDD pin with over-current protection 20MHz oscillator Green LED - power on indicator 2x LEDs (Green, Red) - status indicator ICSP Connector - on-board PIC programming Switch Mode Selection - Boot or Normal mode SmartDAQ v1.3 Features: Sampling channel: 6x Analogs (10 bits ADC) + 7x Digitals (Input/Output) Maximum Sampling rate: 1KHz or 1mSec/Samples Sampling voltage: 0V - 5V (scalable graph) at 5mV Resolution Sampling period: mSec: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 Sec: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 Min: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 Trigger Mode: Larger [>], Smaller [