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Wheaton Liquid Scintillation Vials are manufactured from Wheaton 180 low potassium borosilicate glass that conforms to ASTM Type I, Class A and USP Type I requirements. Critical manufacturing tolerances ensure reliable, consistent results for scintillation counting. Vials load properly into counting machines without jamming or breaking. Background counts are consistent and low; ultraviolet transmission is high. White caps fit tightly to avoid solubilizer fumes in the laboratory and have tops suitable for writing. Vials and screw caps are packaged in 5 utility trays with partitions holding 100 vials and caps in each tray. The partitioned trays keep the vial from scratching and they also serve as a way to store your samples. For additional organization of your vials use the Wheaton Vial Rack (Wheaton Number 868806) which can be purchased separately. Wheaton has been supplying scintillation vials to the scientific community for decades. Researchers utilize the vials, not only for scintillation counting instrumentation but also as sample vials and for transferring samples from one lab to another. Quality, a Wheaton hallmark, allows you to depend on Wheaton for providing superior products for research requirements. For your scintillation or sample vial requirements select from glass, HDPE or PET vials.