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Microcuvette Hemocue HB 201 Analyzer test strips is made of plastic.
Hemocue HB 201 microcuvettes cavity contains reagents deposited on its inner walls.
The blood sample is drawn into the cavity by capillary action by this hemocue microcuvettes
The reagents within the hemocue test kit are moisture sensitive.
The hemocue glucose 201 microcuvettes are pre-Calibrated, portable analyzers require minimum maintenance.
The disposable microcuvette hemocue HB 201 is made of plastic and comprises a body having a cavity which takes about 10 µL. Hemocue glucose HB 201 microcuvettes cavity contains reagents deposited on its inner walls and the blood sample is drawn into the cavity by capillary action and spontaneously mixed with the reagents. The reagents within the hemocue test kit are moisture sensitive. Replace the cap immediately after microcuvettes are removed from the container.