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Salt removal
Salt and salt water
Fight rust, corrosion and salt water
Protective coating
Metal protector
Salt-x is a concentrated rinsing/flushing agent designed exclusively to remove salt residue/crystals from any surface! easy to use as 1-2-3. Mix 2 ounces of salt-x per gallon of water. Rinse the surface thoroughly or flush through your outboard engine, outdrive, jet Skis, etc. Let air dry! it is that simple. This is the ultimate metal protector! it miraculously removes salt and salt water from any surface and leaves a protective coating that preserves and extends surface life! salt-x fights: rust, corrosion & salt water! salt-x can be used for rinsing shipboard equipment, all vehicles and equipment, clothing, web gear, tents, scuba gear, boats, outboard/engines, buildings, air conditioners, motor homes, storm Windows, boxcars, construction equipment, shopping carts, Ocean shipping containers, utility buildings, patio furniture. Mix salt-x in a bucket and drop hooks, lures and fishing tackle into solution and let set for a few minutes. Remove and let air dry to extend the life of these items. The list goes on. Excellent for rinsing shrubs and trees after hurricanes and coastal storms!! anywhere salt is a problem, salt-x, when mixed with fresh water, does several things. It buffers the salt film on the surface and pacifies the metal. It dissolves and lifts the salt film back into solution to be rinsed away. Salt-x gets into cracks and crevices, it will quickly kill the salt residue that has accumulated there! as aggressive as salt-x is-- laboratory tests have proven salt-x to be non toxic, biodegradable & environmentally safe!! it is a clear light Blue liquid with no distinguishable odor. No rubbing, scrubbing or further rinsing required! performance and economy of salt-x make it a must for anyone in a salt environment! by using salt-x regularly as a “preventative maintenance” item on all of your equipment, you will retain the “like new” look and value for trade in or outright sale. The ultimate savings will be quite significant, like cash in the bank. Enjoy.