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The Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) system is beneficial to organizations experiencing challenges with their: Business scorecard methodology that leads to frequent firefighting and/or does not result in the most appropriate behaviors Developed strategies that are not timely completed Silo organizational improvement projects that do not benefit the big picture or are not timely completed Decision making process that is gut-based and uses little, if any, analytics This book provides an overview of the IEE business management system, which addresses the above common-place business issues and more. The 9-step IEE agile management system provides a: Business process management (BPM) methodology that includes the wise use of business statistics and predictive performance measurement reporting where, if a futuristic statement is not desirable, process enhancements are needed Strategic planning execution techniques that provide enhancements to hoshin planning (hoshin kanri) and associated balanced scorecard Six Sigma management system that uses business analytics techniques to determine where to focus process improvement efforts so Key Performance Indicator reporting improves Lean management methodology that includes business dashboard report-outs and the creation/execution of SMART goals for KPI report improvements Total Quality Management (TQM) methodology where the quality management methodology includes effective business decision making and business modeling Deming management philosophy that includes effective business performance measurement tracking and business goal setting with PDCA (PCSA) improvements Creation of an effective governance system that includes a framework for business design, end-to-end process management, and data mining integration Systems thinking methodology that structurally