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Standard indicator Stands. Quality Made, Large Size Stands Mounted on Your Choice of: C-Clamp, Disc Magnet, or On/off Mag Base. Available With or Without Fine Adjustor Rod. Stand Specifications: Lug Back Holder. Accepts All AGD Dial indicators, Stems, etc. Accepts Dial-Test indicators 3/8" and 5/32" Dia. Rugged Locking Knobs - Scriber included. Adjusts in both Horizontal and Vertical planes. Main Post: .470 Dia. x 7" Long. Secondary Post: .385 Dia. x 6" Long. Model No. 18020, indicator Stand on C-Clamp: 1 3/8" Capacity, throat to Center of Screw - 11/16", 120° Vee for Clamping on round objects. includes Lug Back Adapter.