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Have you been diagnosed with an incurable autoimmune disease? Yes? Then you’ll want to read Break Free from the Pain Cycle: Winning the Battle and Conquering Autoimmune Disease. Seema Giri did just that with her own Autoimmune disease and wants to help you get both your health and your time back. Her work addresses the whole you—body, mind and spirit—and is drawn from the best practices in holistic healing, ancient eastern modalities, her own discoveries and love. Seema has helped 250 people start a communication process with their inner self and body that has created healthy habits of self care and accountability for lasting results. Begin the journey to a new normal. Be prepared to be amazed and heartened, as you work towards a life with no limits. This is an introduction to a way of life that will see you conquer the disease that many believe cannot be overcome. Seema knows otherwise and will walk you through the steps that will change your life beyond your wildest imaginings.