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Six Minutes for Excellence: Leadership, Peak Performance, and Mindset in Wildland FirefightingThe S-courses will never teach you excellence because excellence comes from within. When there is a gap in the line, you call it out, and then you close it, don’t you? Thomas M. Wurm calls out the mental-emotional gap in the wildland fire community and provides the tools to close it. You were taught about human factors in wildland fire, but where are the techniques to change a limiting human factor into a lesson for growth? Six Minutes for Excellence illuminates the path to excellence, so courageous men and women can open their minds to the extraordinary power of human potential. Thomas’ strategies will support and amplify your power to ignite your internal leadership. Focusing on leadership, peak performance and mindset in the wildland fire environment, Six Minutes for Excellence is a guide to your highest potential as a wildland firefighter. This book will teach you how to take charge of your mind and optimize your results.In Six Minutes for Excellence, Wildland Firefighters Will:✓ Master communication ✓ Lead themselves before leading others ✓ Apply mental tools to achieve peak performance ✓ Embrace holistic wellness strategies ✓ Release mental-emotional baggage ✓ Learn how to breathe, anchor, visualize and execute any wildland fire task with excellence.“A leader is an agent of inspiration that moves a group of individuals to act upon a mission as one consciousness with excellence.”Thomas M. Wurm is the founder of Mountain Mind Tricks—a company helping wildland firefighters overcome mental and emotional challenges through Mental-Emotional Release®.