The King In Yellow
The King In Yellow

The King In Yellow (Illustrated with full color images) Seminal Short Stories For Everyone.

Product ID : 50042347

Galleon Product ID 50042347
Shipping Weight 0 lbs
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Shipping Dimension 0 x 0 x 0 inches
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About The King In Yellow

Blood-Curdling Supernatural Stories. Warning: May Induce Supernatural Side Effects. The King In Yellow sucks you in with an innocent opening act and then poisons you with irresistible blood-curdling words.You’ll contaminate everyone you come in touch with after reading this book in a single sitting.But that's not all. Here's a taste of what’s inside:How lethal chambers in every city, town and village provides relief.How fake pink ears on a yellow face and artificial left-hand fingers will test your resolve.Learn the fate of drab colours pigeons made of sculptured stone.What it’s like to feel agonised screams of awful words echoing dim streets of Carcosa.The truth about why people don’t read The King In Yellow (hint they don’t want to go crazy).The story about how a simple forgery cashier was sent to the asylum for the criminally insane.The tale of misery from a wretched, half-starved creature staring across the street at a lethal chamber.Click Buy Now