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Tarot, Casting or Altar Cloth Plus Drawstring Bag
Cloth is about 18"X18"
Big 9"x7" Bag
All Natural Cotton or Shiny Poly Satin
Perfect for Rituals or Tarot Readings
An original design by Artist Wendy Wilson of Magic in Your Living Room This Pagan altar cloth or Wiccan altar cloth is a symbolic representation of "As above, so below"! The sun in the sky is reflected in the sunflower here on earth. This design is perfect for celebrating either the summer solstice, Litha, or Lammas in the wheel of the year. The bright and joyful design would look great on your personal altar all summer long. And it would be a beautiful tarot cloth. This is a beautiful tarot or altar cloth, about 18 inches or 45cm square PLUS a roomy 10"x8" drawstring bag. Both the cloth and the bag are 2-ply, a high quality cotton lined with cotton. It's high quality fabric professionally printed from my design The altar tools and tarot cards are just for display purposes. All I am selling is the altar cloth.