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Reinvent the way you heat your home with Castle's Serenity wood pellet stove and new Smart Controller
The Smart Controller allows you to choose manual, thermostat, and weekly operational modes to heat your home on your schedule. Along with calendar and time based heating options, you can also set a local thermostat or manually set it on one of five burn levels
The thermostat feature will quickly heat your space to your desired temperature. Once the desired temperature has been reached, the stove will turn to its lowest setting to maintain a comfortable space.
As with any Castle Pellet Stove, you will experience affordability, style, and practicality. Its space-saving shape and attractive design will make it a welcomed addition to any room, and with the new Smart Controller, heating your home efficiently on your terms has never been easier
The Serenity Stove is designed to be easy to clean - there are no tubes, corrugations, or hidden chambers
Reinvent the way you heat your home with the Castle Serenity Wood Pellet stove and new smart controller. The smart controller allows you to choose manual, thermostat and Weekly operational modes to heat your home on your schedule. As with any Castle Pellet stove, you'll experience affordability, style and practicality. Its space-saving shape and attractive design will make it a welcomed addition to any room and with the new smart controller heating your home efficiently on your terms has never been easier.