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Professional styling. Our creative graphics, photos, and illustrations make you look your very best right now in a variety of media: nutrition powerpoint shows, food and nutrition posters and nutrition handouts
18" X 24"
Audience engagement. Our timely topics and materials keep your audience awake and entertained.
Laminated Nutrition Poster - Health Poster - Wellness Poster
Learning Objectives and Benefits: The Real Food Grows nutrition poster and handout set is a great resource for teaching ways to choose healthful, less processed foods. This beautiful Food Art Poster shows exactly what makes a food 'real'. Vibrant illustrations of healthful foods Handout includes a handy dandy comparison chart of 'real' foods vs processed foods. Large 18 X 24 food art poster is attractive and engaging with many colorful fruits. Brighten up your classroom, hallway, cafeteria, etc. with this beautiful display of fruits and vegetables. Savvy piece of food art and a great reference piece for your office, classroom or cafeteria. Target population: In English, for general audiences, ages 12 - 100