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This beautiful painting is 100% hand-painted oil painting provided by ARTLAND. Environmentally-Friendly Oil We only use museum quality paint since it is environmentally-friendly and never fades. Your painting will look good for years to come. Skilled Artists We employ a group of professional artists. Each artist has more than 10 years experience . We assure you that every piece of art created is exquisite. Competitive Pricing We always offer the lowest prices possible while never compromising on quality. Due to the difference of monitor colors, some painting colors may vary slightly.We try to represent all oil paintings colors accurately. Please refer to the text above for a description of the colors shown in the photo. This is an impromptu landscape painting, overall speaking, there is a momentum of Chinese landscape painting.It is suitable to hangin space for more open place and requires the viewer to observe from a distance, to experience the feeling that mountains, villages, river banks inosculate as a whole. The picture color is rich, distant mountains aremainly yellowish brown, cobalt blue, dark green ,whichshows an overcast feeling. Thevillage by the river embellished with a small number of dark red and ocher embellishment, without portraying deliberately,in order to integrateall in a large landscape color relationship.The upper and lower part of the screen are the sky and the river, the authors did not make a clear distinction in tone, and try to make two simple colors echo each other, so it seems the landscape stays together with sky.. The whole painting drew out the peaceful ofnature, let a person have a fresh and comfortable feeling, make the viewer feel more comfortable, harmonious and peaceful.