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#2 Wine Filters, Pack of 51 Filters Bulk. 2 Micron.
#2 Super Jet Wine Filters, Pack of 51 Filters Bulk.
2 micron nominal filter pads are used for fine or polishing filtration.
51 Individual filters equivalent to 17 Retail Packs of 3.
Seller is not related to or affilated with Buon Viino Manufacturing and these filters are not manufactured sponsored, endoresed, warranted or guarnteed by Buon Vino Manufacturing.
Genuine Buon Vino Super Jet Filter Pads. #2 2.0 micron nominal filter pads are used for fine or polishing filtration. Use to remove medium to small particulate and add shine to your wine. Grape wines should typically be filtered with #1 pads before using #2 pads, although kit wines with less sediment can use the #2 pads first.